Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Online Part-time Work Sign up today!


A Review of Clickworker

 Clickworker  will pay you to do small tasks.  Doing "paid by the task" type work is great for someone who desires a truely flexible schedule!

Clickworker Pay

The amount you earn will depend on the project you’re working on. In their FAQ, Clickworker says they think most of their workers average around $9 an hour. Sometimes you might make more  depending on the task.

Payment happens every week from Wednesdays-Fridays. PayPal will notify you via e-mail that you have received a payment. Please remember that you will only get paid if you  have a valid PayPal account on file. Minimum payment is $1

Clickworker Tasks

They offer all sorts of projects — everything from writing to search engine evaluation tasks. There might always be something different to do each time you log in. You will only have access to tasks you are qualified to do. In order to determine whether or not you are qualified, you’ll have to take a short assessment for each type of task. These may or may not be retaken if you fail depending on the type of task.

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